Snake Terrariums And Tanks: How To Choose The Right One

If you’re new to pets or amphibians, getting a pet snake can seem a little intimidating at first.

Snakes will have a much better quality of life and be happier if they live in a good snake terrarium. A snake needs ample space to live, as well as the right equipment, such as heating lamps or tank decorations, to be comfortable.

What type of tank you should choose depends on the type of snake you are housing. It’s also important to consider your own needs as an owner, such as where the tank will be placed and whether it needs to be portable or not. What should you consider first?

In the following guide, you’ll find all the information you need to know about choosing the best snake terrarium.

Regardless of whether you own corn snakes, boas, kingsnakes, ball pythons, or another species of snake, keep reading to learn where to put them.

Types Of Snake Terrariums

Snake tanks may be categorized into four different types:

  1. Plastic tank
  2. Glass tank
  3. Mesh cage
  4. Wood enclosure

Plastic Tank

Tanks made of plastic tend to be cheaper, but they’re durable and easy to clean. Moreover, they’re lightweight and convenient to use anywhere.

Despite this, plastic cages are not the most ideal display tanks as they are not always very transparent. Using heat lamps will also require caution since plastic can melt very easily.

Glass Tank

The most durable type of tank is a glass tank, even though it is the most expensive. As well as being durable, glass tanks make excellent displays. Also, they are easy to clean and not too heavy, making them easy to place.

Glass tanks are prone to breaking, which is one of their major disadvantages. Glass can easily break, so if someone with less experience will handle the tank, this should be considered.

Mesh Cage

When an owner is cleaning the main tank of their snake, a mesh cage is usually used as a temporary enclosure. Although cheap and light, these plastic snake houses are not as durable and should not be used as a long-term cage for your snake.

Wood Enclosure

Handmade cages are usually made of wood. The enclosure can be used either temporarily or permanently, depending on its design. In most wood enclosures, glass makes up 70% of the enclosure, while wood makes up the rest.

You will be able to see your snake clearly through the cage. The only drawback to wood is that it can become a breeding ground for bacteria, as well as is difficult to maintain humidity and temperature. They are also hard to clean, and they take up a lot of space if you want to put them somewhere.

Things To Consider In The Best Snake Terrarium

When purchasing your snake tank, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to make sure it will be comfortable for your reptile and practical for you.

Type Of Snake

Since snakes come in so many types, it is impossible to say what will work for one species. You won’t need to worry about the length of the tank if you’re housing a smaller snake, but if you’re looking for a larger tank for a ball python, then you’ll need to be looking for something longer. It is important to consider a durable and secure tank that they can’t escape from if you own some snakes that can be dangerous or can escape.


You must take into account the size of your tank before buying one. Pet reptiles shouldn’t be cramped. You may take home your snake when it is still a juvenile, but you will need a larger tank when it is grown up so that you do not have to replace the tank every few months.

UVB And Heat Capabilities

For snakes to stay happy and healthy, heat lamps and UVB light lamps are required. In some tanks, this feature is automatically built-in, but in others, you will need to add your own lamps or heating pads. In addition, your tank heater needs to be big enough to fit in it.


The snake terrarium you set up will probably not need to be moved after you have it. It may be useful to have a collapsible or portable tank on occasion, so you should consider this option.

Frequently Asked Questions About Snake Terrariums

Are terrariums good for snakes?

In recent years, terrariums have been a popular trend in the reptile trade. However, there is significant debate over whether or not they are safe for snakes, as well as other small reptiles. Many people believe that because the glass walls trap humidity, it makes the habitat too humid for the animal. It is also argued that the glass may cause stress to the animal, and there are often no provisions made for UVB lighting. These concerns have led to many people refusing to use them together.

Nowadays terrariums are full of many features and benefits. Many popular brands of terrariums have been designed specifically for pet snakes. Some enclosures will have a floor grate in order to allow for easy spot cleaning. They also make it easier to check the substrate level, which should be about one inch deep.

How big a snake terrarium should be?

The ideal size of the terrarium depends on breed and age. A 10-20 gallon large terrarium should be enough for a small snake. On the other hand for a species like king snake or python, a 30-55 gallon terrarium is required. Go for a terrarium that is large enough for your breed of snake.

What is the best material for a snake enclosure?

Snake terrariums are made of several types of materials. Each of them has both pros and cons. For most people who pet snakes glass will be the best material for terrariums. Because glass is easy to clean and provides a good view.

What is a bioactive snake enclosure?

A bioactive terrarium is a terrarium where live plants are placed to create an ecosystem as well as to make the environment natural. Bioactive enclosures are becoming popular among snake enthusiasts.

Bioactive terrariums require organic topsoil, peat, coco fiber, sand, long-fiber sphagnum moss, cypress mulch, etc. They will help to grow the “cleanup crew” which are a variety of detritivores that consume waste products of your pet snake.

Can I use an aquarium as a terrarium?

No, aquariums can’t be used as terrariums. The main reason is ventilation. Aquariums are well sealed to prevent any leakage. On the other hand, terrariums need to be well ventilated to survive the reptiles.

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