The Ultimate Amazon Tree Boa Care Guide For a Newbie

Corallus hortulanus, known as Amazon Tree Boa, is the most widely distributed of the tree boas. They are one of the world’s most well-known climbing snakes. These snakes spend most of their time in trees, where they are protected from predators by the tall trees of the rainforest.

They are born through a natural process, and it comes in a variety of colors and patterns. Their vibrant colors make them an eye-catching addition to any home.

However, if you’re thinking about getting one as a pet, you should do your research first. These snakes have a fearless personalities. Their personality can make them defensive and difficult to deal with at times. To survive, they require very specific conditions. You can’t just start owning a tree boa without a plan.

This article will help you in doing that. You’ll learn everything there is to know about caring for an Amazon Tree Boa. We are going to tell you their size, temperament, diet, and other factors as well.

Amazon Tree Boa as Pets

Amazon Tree Boa is a lovely snake. But it is not the best pet snake for a beginner or someone who wants to handle snakes regularly. They make an excellent display snake. In captivity, they have a lifespan of about 20 years. However, if they are force-fed, made obese, or have poor cage care, they can drastically reduce their lifespans.

Reptile breeders are becoming more interested in them as they come in a variety of colors and patterns.

These snakes are known for being aggressive and will strike if you get too close. Probably a good idea to handle them with bare hands. They intend to bite when they feel threatened. Their bite frequently draws blood from the victim. Like other snakes, they do not grow out of their defensive habits.

Also, they are extremely active, unlike some other species that prefer to stay in one place all of the time. So the chances of seeing them around all the time.

Amazon Tree Boa Care Guide

The Amazon tree boa is a beautiful pet snake and it’s not as difficult as it seems to care for. From providing its enclosure with high levels of humidity to feed it in the morning and night, to keeping an eye on its shedding and ensuring it has enough room to grow, there is a lot to learn in order to properly care for your Amazon tree boa.

Diet and Feeding

It’s not difficult to feed an Amazon Tree Boa. These animals are predators in the wild, eating everything from lizards to bats.

When you keep one of these snakes in cages, rats will be the primary food source. Start with frozen mice and gradually increase the size of the mice as the snake grows. The snake’s meal should not be larger than 20% of its diameter.

It’s also crucial to know how their feeding schedule changes as they get older. Baby Amazons should be fed every seven to ten days and should feed adults appropriately sized meals every ten to fourteen days.

Be careful not to overfeed them because overfeeding is the most common cause of these snakes’ deaths, as they cannot tolerate force-fed like a python.


The Amazon Tree Boa is a semi-arboreal species that will use both the floor and the vertical limits of the enclosure. They prefer cooler temperatures with a proper gradient.

To survive, Amazon Tree Boas require a large vivarium. However, it does not have to be as large as most people think. The ideal enclosure for this species is at least 80 percent the length of the snake’s body. Keep in mind that these snakes can reach lengths of up to five feet.

So they require 24 to 36 inches tall and 24 to the 36-inch long enclosure. And as for the width, 18 to 24 inches will be enough to keep them comfortable.

Make sure the enclosure you choose has plenty of ventilation. It’s best to get a vivarium with front-facing doors. However, a standard tank with a screened lid will work just fine.

You should also make sure that the enclosure is at least half the length of the snake. If possible, give more height than that; because Boa enjoys climbing. Boas require climbing branches of thick consistency. They also require a hide box to hide.


One of the most important things to keep in mind is that humidity is essential for the snake’s survival and overall well-being in captivity.

Humidity should never fall below 70%, and the ideal humidity level should be around 75%.  However, you can raise the humidity to 80-90 percent when it is a shedding cycle.

Also, Amazon Tree Boas dehydrate quickly; make sure they have clean, fresh water in their bowls at all times. The bowls should be big enough for the boas to soak in. Especially when shedding, this water will need to be changed regularly.

If you want to keep the humidity level at the right level, you need to moisture the cage 1-2 times a day. Also, it is a good idea to keep a thermometer because it can instantly tell you what’s wrong with them and how to fix it by lowering the heat or misting more or less.


It’s critical to keep the temperature in your Amazon Tree Boa’s enclosure at a comfortable level. They can regulate their body temperatures. You must, however, create a temperature gradient to allow for self-regulation.

It would be best if you kept an Amazon Tree Boa at a temperature of around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The top of the enclosure should be around 90 degrees Fahrenheit, with the lower level dropping to around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. A tall enclosure with an overhead heat source can accomplish this. The snake will naturally become cold as it moves lower and further away from the heat source.

Behavior and Temperament

Amazon Tree Boas are very chill-minded. If you don’t bother them, they don’t bother either. That means you can clean their cage without any problems.

When you own an Amazon Tree Boa, the most concerning part is their temper. These snakes tend to be aggressive. They have an impressive striking range, which makes things even riskier. When attacking, Amazon Tree Boas can reach at least half of their body length.

So only handle the snake if necessary. The Amazon Tree Boa does not like to be touched or handled and may bite if threatened.

But Snakes that are in captivity are generally gentler. But there are no guarantees.

Each Amazon Tree Boa is different; if you know your snake’s personality, it can help you determine what they’re willing and unwilling to tolerate.

Health Issues

The average lifespan of Amazon Tree Boas is 15 to 20 years. Regular grooming and a carefully monitored feeding schedule can help ensure that your snake lives to its full potential.

Amazon Tree Boas are susceptible to several diseases. Because most snakes are in the wild, parasites are quite common. Internal and external parasites can damage a snake’s body, shortening its lifespan or even killing it.

Another pest to be aware of is mites. Mites will cling to the skin of your snake, causing severe discomfort. Snakes seek relief by scratching against objects or soaking in water.

It’s important to take it to a pet veterinarian who can prescribe medication to treat it.

There’s also the possibility that it’ll happen as a result of a poorly maintained environment. As a result, it’s vital to clean the enclosure daily to keep bacteria and parasites away. The enclosure should be cleaned, sanitized every four weeks or so.


Handling an Amazon Tree Boa can be challenging. They are known for their defensive nature. You can sometimes come across an obedient Amazon tree boa who is willing to be handled, but the vast majority are aggressive. Because of their heat pits on both sides of their mouth, it makes them detect small temperature changes, and Amazon can mistake a warm hand for prey items.

That’s why we encourage you to keep your handling to a minimum. If you do, make sure to use a snake hook.


The Amazon Tree Boa is better kept by those who are intermediate snake keepers. They can be defensive and aggressive, which makes bonding and caring for them difficult for beginners. They also have specific enclosure and feeding requirements. However, with a little planning and practice, you should be able to bring one of these snakes home safely.

They can be defensive when they’re young, but they can learn to tolerate it with careful and frequent handling.

They’re stunning focuses in any room, and as long as their temperature and humidity requirements are right. These snakes can be entertaining as well. We’ve covered everything you need to know about caring for your Amazon Tree Boa. Hopefully, you now have a good idea whether this is the right snake for you and are confident in your ability to care for it properly.


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