13 Best Beginner Pet Snakes That Don’t Bite And Aren’t Poisonous

Although many people want to keep a pet snake, it can be a daunting task to figure out which snake is right for their lifestyle. At first glance, the list of options seems overwhelming, but fortunately, there are several breeds that are perfect for beginners. In this article, we will discuss 13 snakes that will be safe and fit well into almost any type of home.

Best Beginner Pet Snake

You may not know what kind of snake is right for you, so read on as we show you the best beginner pet snakes.

1. Corn Snake

As a beginner, many people are intimidated by the idea of owning a snake. However, corn snakes are one of the easiest snakes to take care of and make great pets. 

Corn snake | The Reptile Pro

A corn snake is an excellent first-time pet snake. These long and relatively slender snakes can live for decades and do not require a large living space to thrive. Corn snakes can be an ideal pet as they often hiss and strike out when they feel threatened, which makes it easy for a beginner to start learning the ropes of snake ownership.

They’re also easy to handle and feed. This makes them perfect for people who want to get into the hobby but don’t know where to start!

2. California King Snake

The California kingsnake is a good pet for beginners. They’re easy to care for and have a relatively calm temperament, making them an ideal starter pet.

California King Snakes are native to North America and can be found in the southwestern United States and northern parts of Mexico. 

California King Snake

The largest population resides in California, hence their name. (California King Snake as a Pet).

If you have never owned a snake before, the California King Snake might be a good choice for your first snake pet.

3. Rosy Boa

A rosy boa pet snake is a great beginner snake for those who want to get into herpetology.

Rosy boas are very docile, and their small size makes them easy to handle and care for. 

They also need less space than other snakes because they’re only about 4 feet long when fully grown. 

These boas are difficult but rewarding pet snakes for beginners. They require a lot of care and attention to thrive in captivity but the reward is that they are not venomous at all.

Rosy boas are the only North American snake that can be handled without any fear of getting bitten. If you’re looking for an easy-to-care-for, non-venomous pet snake then rosy boas might be the right choice for you!

4. Milk Snake

Milk Snake
Milk Snake

If you’re looking for a friendly reptile to add to your family, look no more.

Milk snakes are one of the best pet snakes that are not only super easy-going but also come in a variety of colors.

They can be found in the Southern United States and Mexico. 

They’re widely available at pet stores, and they’re relatively affordable.

These reptiles don’t require a lot of upkeep like other lizards do and can easily live with other household pets.

Milk snakes are non-venomous and easy to handle, making them a great pet for beginners.

5. Garter Snake

Garter snakes are an excellent pet choice for beginners. They are fairly easy to keep, they don’t require a big tank and they aren’t too expensive. 

They get along with other garter snakes and they don’t have any special feeding requirements. 

Garter snakes are small, harmless serpents that typically grow to be about two feet in length. 

Garter snakes are fairly easy to care for and can make excellent pets for beginners.

6. Western Hognose Snake

The Western Hognose Snake is a docile, non-venomous serpent. They make unique and fascinating pets for beginners. You can find these snakes in the southwestern United States. 

They are hardy snakes that will thrive in captivity with minimal care. Healthy hognoses have long lives, up to 20 years in some cases!

The Western Hognose Snake is not aggressive, but they do have a potent defense mechanism in which they emit a strong musk from their anal glands if threatened or aggravated. 

They are relatively small snakes, with adults reaching lengths of two to three feet. 

They are active during the day and like to live in burrows, so they are best suited for terrariums with lots of hiding spaces and an open top.

With its rounded snout and upturned eyes, this species has a cute appearance that makes it an ideal beginner snake.

7. Rough Green Snake

The rough green snake (Opheodrys aestivus) is a small, non-venomous snake that has been kept both as a pet and as a laboratory animal.

Rough green snake is native to the eastern United States and Central America. They have also been introduced into countries in southern Europe, Africa, and Asia.

This little snake can be great for beginners because they are small enough to be handled, easy to care for, and relatively inexpensive to buy or feed. 

8. Children’s Python

Children’s Python is a great pet for beginners because they are easy to care for. They are also good for people who live in apartments or small homes.

Children’s Pythons are native to the rainforests in Southeast Asia and Northern Australia. 

They grow to be around 3-4 feet long and can live up to 30 years in captivity, making them a low-maintenance pet. However, before you adopt one as a pet for your family, it is important that you research first.

9. Dekay’s Brown Snake

Pets can be a great source of joy, companionship, and laughter. But maintaining them can also be costly.

So when thinking about getting a pet, you should consider your lifestyle and how you feel about taking care of an animal daily.

If you are looking for a snake as your new pet, Dekay’s brown snakes are a good option for those who are new to keeping snakes.

When people think of pet snakes, the picture of a big, rugged snake comes to mind.

Nowadays, there are a variety of small species that make good pets for newcomers.

The Dekay’s brown snake on the deck is one such example. This snake is not venomous and is not very large. It can reach a maximum of 13 inches in length. 

This small size makes it an ideal pet for someone who prefers a more sensitive species.

Even better, if you live in a temperate zone and want to keep a snake as a pet, the Dekay’s brown snake might be worth considering.

These snakes are not venomous and cruel, which makes them a great choice for small children.

10. Cape House Snake

Reptiles make great pets but they take a lot of hard work and care. If you always want a pet and think a snake is a way to go, this is for you!

So you want a pet, but are not sure which animal will be best for you? Cape house snakes are a great option. They are not very big and they are very easy to take care of.

The Cape House Snake is a pet for people who are just starting with a pet snake. These are also a good choice for people who have never owned them before. 

The Cape House Snake is a small, easy-to-care snake that requires little maintenance.

11. Woma Python

The woma python is a great pet for beginners. They are not venomous, so if they bite, it will be harmless.

Woma pythons are also not an aggressive species and won’t attack unless provoked. As a bonus, they are easy to care for and have a very low cost of living. 

In addition to that, they are uniquely beautiful and come in a variety of colors. If you’re thinking about getting a snake as a pet, the woma python might be the perfect choice for you.

Though they are not commonly thought of as suitable pets for families with young children or those who cannot commit themselves fully to caring for this type of animal, pythons can make good pets. 

More specifically, the Woma Python can make a good pet for beginners because it has many qualities that make it ideal for beginners.

12. Baird’s Rat Snake

Baird’s Rat Snake is a small reptile suitable for beginners. It doesn’t require excessive amounts of care and attention; it makes it perfect for those new to the pet industry.

Baird’s rat snake, also called the gray rat snake, is a slender snake with a small head and smooth scales. 

They are found from North Carolina in the southeastern United States to Florida in the south and Texas in the west.

Baird’s rat snakes are not venomous, so they can be handled without worry.

These can be kept as pets for newcomers because they are easy to manage and take care of. 

They can be fed frozen or preyed on by rats, mice, hamsters, etc., and if properly cared for, Baird’s rat snakes can live up to 12 years in captivity.

13. Kenyan Sand Boa

People who enjoy pet snakes as a hobby are no different. A Kenyan sand boa is a great snake for beginners because they are easy to care for and handle. 

“Kenyan Sand Boa” is a pet snake, who is one of the most popular pet snakes in the world. Also known as “Blanca”, this is a small, docile, and easy-to-handle snake that has been extensively captive-bred for many years. 

If you are thinking about getting a pet snake for the first time, Kenyan Sand Boa is the best choice because they are intelligent and easy to keep. They only need to eat every 5-10 days and they have virtually no odor or harmful bites.

You will find that they quickly become your favorite pet.

What to Consider Before Having A Pet Snake?

If you’re considering getting a pet snake, then wait, there are many factors to consider before making the final decision. 

While there are many benefits to having a snake as a pet, there are also some disadvantages. 

There is an animal welfare concern with keeping a snake in captivity that does not have free roam of its habitat. 

That being said, if you take into account all the factors and do your research, it may be worth it for you to have a pet snake. Here, are some things to consider when thinking about getting a pet snake.

Snakes are rewarding pets to have. They are docile and easy to care for, with their needs being simple and specific.

However, before you jump into buying your snake, there are some things you should think about.

The first question to answer is what type of snake do you want? There are over 200 species of snakes in the world, but only a few dozen pet-friendly ones.

The second thing to consider is how big will your snake grow? Bigger snakes need bigger tanks and more food than smaller ones. 

The last thing is whether or not you want a live prey item for your pet snake to eat or if you want to feed it pre-killed prey items. Read on for more information on these things as well.

1. Snakes are Carnivorous

Did you know that most pet snakes are carnivorous? Snakes also need a large cage with branches and a water dish. The cage should be cleaned at least once a month with soap and water.

They are carnivorous and will not eat anything other than live prey, dead prey, or meat. This means that a snake needs to be fed once every 3-4 days.

If the snake is not fed, it will stop shedding skin which can lead to sores on its body and mouth. A healthy snake will be active, so it’s important to feed it for the best results. 

Before you decide to get a pet snake, consider whether you can provide enough food for the animal and if you have enough time to maintain its health

2. Snakes Are Cold-blooded

Snakes are cold-blooded and require a low degree of temperature and humidity to survive.

They need an aquarium or vivarium with a heating device, like a heat mat or lamp. They need fresh water to drink at all times. 

You should also keep them in a clean environment with fresh air and provide them with the right foods for their diet. 

Lastly (but not least), snakes have some specific needs for living well that you should know about before making this important decision!

3. Long Lifespan

Owning a pet snake can be difficult. Because they are long-lived, so make sure you have the time and patience for them.

Unlike other pets such as dogs or cats, snakes can survive more than 20 years in captivity.

This means that you have to plan to take care of your snake for a long time, which may not be possible for some people or families.

Snakes also require a lot of routine maintenance they must be fed live prey on a semi-regular basis and their tanks must be cleaned every few weeks.

Make sure you stay with her for the rest of her life.

4. Location and Laws

The legality of owning a snake as a pet varies by location. 

For example, in North America, it is legal to own a snake as a pet in all but New York City and Denver. In Europe, however, it is illegal to buy or keep venomous snakes and reptiles that are not native to the region.

A key factor in deciding if you want to own a snake as a pet is what type of environment you live in. 

If you live in an apartment building with many neighbors, for example, then it might be difficult for you to care for your snake properly.

Snakes to Avoid as a Beginner

As a beginner, it can be difficult to know which snakes are safe to pet without any experience.

There are many types of snakes in the world that vary greatly in size, temperament, and aggression. 

The most important thing is that it is not safe for a beginner to handle any snake. 

I would advise you to avoid these types of snakes as they are not suitable for a beginner.

1. Boa Constrictors

A boa constrictor is a non-venomous species of snake. These are also known as red-tailed boas and can be about 6.5 feet long, which is considered to be the average size. 

They typically live in tropical climates found in Central America, South-North America, and southwestern South America.

Boas are contractors, meaning they wrap around the prey and kill it by squeezing until it suffocates. Boas are solitary animals that take food after being killed by other animals or after dying of natural causes.

2. Burmese Pythons

Burmese pythons are one of the most common snakes found in the pet trade. They are also one of the largest and therefore need a large enclosure. So, why would anyone want to keep one as a pet?

Some people believe that they make good pets because they are easy-going and not aggressive at all. Other people might argue that they make good pets because they don’t need to be let out very often and can comfortably live in a terrarium. 

But, these arguments for keeping a Burmese python as a pet are not convincing enough reasons.

The truth is, most experts don’t recommend keeping a Burmese python as a pet because there’s no way to tell how long it will live. 

3. Tree Boas

Tree boas are a type of constrictor snake that can make a good pet, but they may not be the best choice for everyone. They require some specialized care and environment. 

Tree boa snakes are one of the most popular beginner snake pet options. They’re also one of the safest, as they have a lower chance of biting when compared to other species. 

However, not all tree boa snakes are right for beginners. There are different species and subspecies with different care requirements, so it’s important to do your research before picking one out.

Check this out to know more about Amazon Tree Boa a good pet snake.

4. Reticulated Pythons

Reticulated Pythons are one of the most popular species of pet snake. 

They’re also one of the most beautiful. Retics average 4-6 feet in length but can grow up to 26 feet in length, making them a good choice for experienced reptile owners or hobbyists with large enclosures. 

They’re not as beginner-friendly as some other species, though, so keep that in mind before you decide on this breed.

5. Anacondas

Anacondas are large snakes that can grow to more than 30 feet long. Anacondas live in the swamps and rainforests of Central and South America, usually near slow-moving or stagnant water. 

They have small eyes and nostrils on top of their heads. Anacondas eat fish, deer, birds, and other types of mammals. Anaconda snakes are not for beginners.

6. Any Venomous Snakes

There are many types of snakes and not all of them are venomous. However, some snakes can be very dangerous for experts.

So it is important to know what kind of snake you are looking for as a pet.

Although experts keep venomous snakes, it would not be wise for you as a beginner to keep a venomous snake.

Final Thoughts

Snakes are creepy, but some are better for beginner owners. We tried to give you a clear view of snakes are not toxic and don’t bite hard, making them good candidates for novices.

With this list in hand, it will be much easier to locate the best kind of snake to go with when trying to acquire one. Take a look at these thirteen snakes if you are thinking about getting your first snake.

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