Blue Beauty Snake Care Guide

blue beauty snake

A fairly large, semi-arboreal snake, the Blue Beauty Snake is found throughout much of Vietnam. It, therefore, has the common name “Vietnam Blue Beauty”. This species lives in forests, rivers, and caves in subtropical and tropical environments. Their favorite food, rodents, makes human developments prime breeding grounds for them. In this blue beauty snake care … Read more

10 Best White Pet Snakes For Everyone

Best White Pet Snakes

Snakes of a wide variety of colors and characteristics are available to pets. But white pet snakes are the most exquisite and elegant of them. But These snakes do well with limited care and can be everyone’s snakes. Their exotic color creates an intriguing focal point for your terrarium. Lack of pigmentation makes a snake … Read more

6 Pet Snakes That Don’t eat mice Or Rodent

Pet Snakes That Don’t eat mice Or Rodent

When it comes to pet snakes, we’ve got you covered. Now you can finally add a snake to your family and not have to worry about mouse hunting. If you’re looking for something different, or a less unpleasant way to eat, we’ve got you covered. Here are the types of pet snakes that don’t eat mice and can fit your desired needs.

11 Reasons Why Snakes Are Good Pets

why snakes are good pets

You may be astonished to hear about snakes as pets. Nowadays the trend of pet snakes is increasing day by day. You may ask why snakes are good pets. Today we will try to give you a detailed idea on this topic. People usually choose dogs or cats as pet animals. These animals come in … Read more