How To Take Care Of A Pet Snake

Taking care of a pet snake is not a hard task but there are a lot of things you need to know before getting a snake as a pet. There are thousands of options of snake species in this world that are mostly native to South America, Australia, Africa, Asia, and even the Arctic Circle.

Snakes may terrestrial or sea bound which also tells a lot about how the snake should be living if taken captive. Taking care of your pet snake involves the fact of how the snake has been living or what kind of environment the snake species is used to.

What Do You Need To Take Care Of A Pet Snake?

To take care of a pet snake it is mandatory to know about its origin and living situation. You will need to understand its eating habits and whether it is more terrestrial or water-loving.

First of all, you will need a proper enclosure for your pet snake. Second, you will have to provide enough light or heat available. Last of all, You need to provide the right kind of food, whether it is a large or small-sized snake. Therefore, you will need some props and equipment to take care of the pet snake.

Is It Hard To Take Care Of A Pet Snake?

This is a common question that a lot of beginners ask. How hard it is to take care of your pet snake depends on many factors such as the species, size, habitat, and diet of the snake. For instance, most pythons need large terrariums with materials like rock, logs, branches, and enough substrate on their floor.

Whereas the water snakes are comparatively smaller snakes that will need smaller enclosures with branches or tree-like structures to climb and water to soak in. Their enclosures look more like aquariums but with less water. If you have the right facilities needed for taking good care of your pet snake it shouldn’t be that hard.

How To Take Care Of A Pet Snake?

If you can take care of your pet snake properly then it can live for decades. Snakes make good pets and need consistent care if you want to have a fruitful relationship with them. Here are some things you need to do in order to take good care of your pet snake at home:

  • Snakes need a good space or enclosure to keep them protected and safe
  • They need the right temperature and humidity to sustain
  • Snakes enjoy privacy and need hiding spots in their cages or terrariums
  • Provide the proper food (meat) and water must be available at all times
  • Make your pet snake comfortable with you and your family
  • Ensure your snake’s health and wellness by making regular checks on it
  • Make sure their enclosure is clean and checked regularly to avoid poor hygiene

Snakes do not demand too much to care for so once it gets accustomed to their home and owner there will be no trouble looking after them.

Can Milk Snakes Be Pets?

Yes, milk snakes make good pets, in fact, they are one of the popular choices. They have all the good qualities of a pet snake such as their small size, calm temperaments, beautifully colored, and easy to feed (raw or frozen rodents which are widely available).

Due to their small sizes, it is quite easy to house them at your home. Their good temperaments make it easy to tame them with regular handling. There are dozens or more subspecies of the milk snake from which owners can choose and everyone is colorful to look at.

The Puebian and Honduran milk snakes are the most popular subspecies that are kept as pets. Both of them are attractive and brightly colored which is another advantage for children to like them. If cared for properly they make fantastic pets.

Can You Keep A Wild Corn Snake As A Pet?

Corn snakes have been one popular pet snake just like the milk snake, children python, or any kind of captive-bred snake. Characteristically, corn snakes are docile and curious animals. It makes a good pet for teenagers.

Corn snakes can live in moderate-sized tanks and eat readily available food or prey items. They don’t have any problems as pets. But the question arises when you want to keep a wild corn snake as a pet at home. There is a common trend that you should never take a wild snake into captivity unless it is accustomed to being with humans.

Wild corn snakes would be quite difficult to tame and domesticate if you are especially a beginner. The corn snake will behave a bit differently as it was used to the living and eating habits in the wild. Wild-caught snakes often feel stressed and annoyed. They will become sick easily and most of them can’t survive long enough.

Besides that, there are regulations in many states or areas against catching wild snakes. So, before you think of taking in a wild corn snake or any other of the type it would be better to be aware of the consequences.

How To Pick Up Your Pet Snake?

Whenever you are willing to keep a pet snake in your house one of the common challenges is how to pick up your snake. There are many snakes that do not like handling much and again there are that that doesn’t mind being held up and picked from their enclosures once in a while to get friendly with their owner.

As long you can hold it gently and not cause any sudden movements your pet snake should be fine. But there are certain ground rules that need to be followed before or during the time you pick up your snake. Here are some tips you can follow:-

  • Wash your hands to remove any sort of smell of food or chemicals
  • Get your snake to be accustomed to you by coming near or putting your hand in its cage
  • Move slow and steadily without surprising your snake with sudden moves
  • Never try to pick up a hissing snake
  • It is good to handle your snake when it is at its lowest energy so it cannot move away frequently
  • Before picking up your snake make sure to wear gloves especially if your snake is a bit snappy
  • You may use a snake hook to manage to hold a moving snake
  • If your snake seems a little aggressive use something like tongs to hold it instead of using your hands
  • Another way of holding your pet snake is with both of your hands to support it evenly from both sides
  • You should pick up the snake from the mid-body part so you good control of it
  • Give it time to adjust and settle in a comfortable position
  • Pay attention to the snake’s behavior to give space for its safety and how experienced it might be in handling
  • While putting back your snake let it move out itself while lowering it into its enclosure
  • Make sure you wash your hands once again after holding your snake as there is a chance of getting germs from its skin

Does A Snake Make A Good Pet?

There are a number of reasons snakes can make a good pet other than cats or dogs. All pets require care, attention, and good treatment if you want them to be healthy and happy living with you.

Snakes particularly have some things different than other pet animals while kept captive at home. And you will find these as some advantages too. Snake pets are not as noisy as other barking or meowing pet animals. They don’t demand as much attention as other pet animals do as they are quite happy with a warm and well-fed home.

After it has had a good meal, your snake will not bother you or want to be bothered until its next feeding time. Also, you can be away for a while like a week or more as long as you leave a good amount of food (like a big mouse) and your snake will be fine.

When your snake becomes used to your presence and starts to trust its owner it will surely love to hang out with you. Another good thing about snakes is that they live very long, about 15 years or more depending on the species you are getting, so you don’t have to worry about losing a pet in your family which leaves everyone in despair and sad, including children.


Taking care of a pet snake is not as hard as many people think it would be. You have to know the right guidelines and nature of the pet snake species that you are opting to pet. As mentioned before taking care of a pet snake has many advantages and you may soon find out a lot of interesting facts about them once you begin taming a snake yourself. Snakes have relatively low maintenance as well and that adds to its advantage of easier caretaking techniques. You can leave them alone for hours or days without worry.

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